Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Drugs and Homeostasis - 1668 Words
Biology 3201 STSE Drugs and Homeostasis ï ¿ ¼ Submitted To: Mr. King Submitted By: Chelsea Hamen Date Due: October 28th Understanding Concepts: 1.) Clinical Depression - is the most frequently encountered mental illness. Clinical depression is now considered a physical condition in which there is a fault in the brain chemistry. It may afflict up to 5% or more of the population. Symptoms of depression include a distinct change in mood accompanied with an extreme feeling of hopelessness. Other symptoms include: loss of appetite; weight loss; headaches; sleeplessness; loss of energy; and tiredness. Symptoms of anxiety are also quite common. Suicide is common in about 15% of depressed patients. Bipolar Disorder - is also known as manic†¦show more content†¦Rohypnol - is a drug associated with rave parties and comes from the benzodiazepine family. It is considered to be the â€Å"date rape†drug and has become famous for its use in committing sexual assault. It is often given to an unsuspecting victim by dissolving it in beverage while they are unaware. It is similar to Valium TM but has ten times its strength. In combination with alcohol, it can be deadly. Rohypnol is highly addictive and has severe withdrawal symptoms. Its use can cause deep sedation, respiratory distress, blackouts for up 24 hours, and amnesia. Ecstasy - is known as Methylene Dioxy Meth Amphetamine (MDMA) and has street names such as X, Rolls, E, Adam, Beans and Buddies. The initial use of ecstasy results in: increased heart rate; increased blood pressure; dilation of pupils and bronchi; brain stimulation; increased motor activity; tightening of jaw muscles; grinding of jaws; overheating; sweating; heat stroke; and dehydration. The long-term use of ecstasy can result in irreparable brain damage. 3.) Higher doses of designer drugs can result in paranoia, depression and violent irrational behaviour. In general, designer drugs can create a wide range of physical problems such as: hypertension; uncontrolled tremors; total paralysis; seizures; permanent drain damage; and death. 4.) Opioids - are typically used to treat pain. They can produce a feeling of euphoria by affecting regions of the brain that enable us to perceiveShow MoreRelatedRole of Gluthathione Pathway in Discovering Anticancer Compound793 Words  | 3 Pagesanticancer drug, there are several criteria we have to look into. For instance, the role of metabolism, cell environment and also protein homeostasis should be taken into account in discovering anticancer drug. To obtain the pharmacokinetic profile of an anticancer drug during the discovery process, metabolism plays a crucial role where the metabolic liability and the potential drug-drug interactions have to be determined (John Wiley and sons, 2001). 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