Saturday, November 23, 2019

Chapter 4 Essays

Chapter 4 Essays Chapter 4 Paper Chapter 4 Paper Wind, H2O, Solar Energy Renewable resources are _______. replenished over short term of span Give an example of a nonrenewable resource? coal, copper, uranium, gold What are the stage of development of coal? peat, lignite, bituminous, anthrocite Placer deposits form when ______. eroded minerala settle quickly from movind H2O while less dense particles remain suspended continue to move What is a nonmetallic mineral resource? mined at a profit Give an advantage of solar energy. free non-polluting Hydroelectric power is produced by ____. falling H2O drives turbines that produce electricity What is the source of geothermal energy? harnessed by tapping natural underground reservoirs of steam and hot H2O How is tidal power harnessed? constructing a dam across mouth of a bay or estuary in coastal areas with large tidal ranges What is an example of a non-point source of fresh water pollution? What They Are: Nitrogen Oxides 14.8%, Volatile Organics 13.6%, Sulfur Oxides 16.4%,and Carbon Dioxide 49.1% Where They Come From: Stationary Source Fuel Combustion 27.3%, Industrial Process 15.0%, Solid Waste Disposal 2.5%, Miscellaneous 9.0%, and Transportation 46.2% According to Figure 4-2, what is the single largest source of air pollutants? CO One way that mining for mineral resources damages the land is by _____. Destroying Soil In which decade were the first important laws passed to decrease water pollution? 1974 The Clean Water Act is ______. Reduce point source pollution into surface H2O What is the most important law passed to deal with air pollution? Clean Air Act 1970 The fuel for nuclear fission in nuclear reactors is ______. Uranium Wind power generates ____. Noise Pollution What is the function of the atmospheres ozone layer? Sheild Earth from harmful solar radiation Fosssil fuels are _______ resources. Nonrenewable Coal,petroleum, and nautural gas are _______. Fossil Fuels A(n) _________ is a useful metallic mineralo that can be mined at a profit. Ore Winds fams are used to produce _________. Electricity The ________ Act requires industries to reduce or eliminate the release of point source pollution into surface waters. Clean H2O The nations most important air pollution law is the _______ Act. Clean Air The element ________ is used in nuclear fission to produce energy. Uranium Explain the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources. Renewable: Can be made in yearsNonrenewable: Can be made in millions of years Beginning with plant material, list the successive stages of coal development. Peat ; lignite ; sub-bituminous ; anthracite List two of the advantages of solar energy. saves you money, low/no maintenance List the advantafes and disadvantages of wind as a source of electricity. it saves energy but creates noise pollution Contrast point source pollution and nonpoint source pollution. point source you can find where it is, nonpoint you cant How could energy conservation help to control or decrease air, water, and land pollution? most of our energy comes from burning fossil fuels, burning fossil fuels pollutes the air by putting all soot of noxious gases in it as well as greenhouse gases which affect the climate. Chapter 4 Essays Chapter 4 Paper Chapter 4 Paper Give an example of a renewable resource . . . wind, H2O, solar energy Renewable resources are ___________________ replenished over short time span Give an example of a nonrenewable resource ? coal, cooper, unranium, gold What are the stages of development of coal ? Peat, lignite, bituminous, anthrocite Placer deposits form when ____. eroded minerals settle quickly from moving H20 while less dense particles remain suspended a cont. to move What is nonmetallic mineral resource ? mined as a point Give an advantages as solar energy . . . free non-polluting Hydroelectric power is produced by ____________. falling H20 drives tubines that produce electricity What is the source of geothermal energy ? harnesses by tapping natural underground reserooirs of stream hot H20 How is tidal power harnessed ? constructing a dam across mouth of a bay or estuary areas tidal in coastal areas w/ large tidal ranges. Fresh water is used for which of the following ? all of the above What is an example of a nonpoint source of fresh water pollution ? pesticide runoff from farm fields According to figure 4-2, what is the single largest source of air pollutants ? CO One way that mining for mineral resources damages the land is by . . . . destroying soil In which decade were the first important laws passed to decrease water pollution ? 1974 The Clean Water Act is _______. reduce point source pollution into surface H20 What is the most important law passed to deal with air pollution ? Clean Air Act 1970 The fuel for nuclear fission in nuclear reactors is ______. uronium Wind power generates what type of pollution ? noise The fuel for nuclear fission in nuclear reactors is _____________. uranium Wind power generates ____. noise pollution What is the function of the atmosphere;s ozone layer ? shields Earth from harmful solar radiation Fossil fuels are __________ resources. Nonrenewable Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are _________. fossil fuels A(n) _________ is a useful metallic mineral that can mined at a profit. ore Wind farms are used to produce _______________. electricity The __________ act requires industries to reduce or eliminate the release of point source pollution into surface waters. Clean water The nations most important air pollution law is the ___________. clean air The element ___________ is used in nuclear fission to produce energy. uranium Explain the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources. Short time. Millions of years

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