Monday, May 25, 2020
What Is a Climax Forest
A plant community that is dominated by trees representing the last stage of natural succession for that specific locality and environmentally should be considered a climax forest. To be a climax forest, trees growing within a particular geographic region should remain essentially unchanged in terms of species composition for as long as the site remains undisturbed. Foresters have adopted a practical silvicultural approach when managing large stable communities of climax tree species. They use and name a climax forest as the final stage in terms of the stabilization of the major tree species. These conditions are observed on a human timescale and can maintain specific tree species and other plants over hundreds of years. This definition is honored by some but not by all. In contrast, speculative ecologists conclude that there can never be a climax forest. Their claim is because cyclical disturbance (both natural and human-caused) will always be a constant in North American forests. A climax community by a more accepted definition is a relatively stable and undisturbed plant community that has evolved through major stages and adapted to its environment. A climax species is a plant species that will remain essentially unchanged in terms of species composition for as long as the site remains undisturbed. How Forests Are Created and Mature Forests are always in some evolving process that takes place in several major defined steps or stages and until completion and each stage is called a sere. A sere can also be called a seral community and are the multiple stages found during forest succession in a forest ecosystem advancing towards its climax community. In many cases, more than one seral stage evolves until climax conditions are attained The major phases of forest succession in a post-glacial, temperate world leading to climax follow a certain mechanical pattern of development. Ecologists have created terms and most agree that initial forest establishment starts from some disturbance that creates a bare site which they call Nudism. With the introduction of living regenerative plant material to that bare site from certain sexual and asexual processes and along with seed transportation, succession begins with the process of plant movement called Migration. This migrating of plant-produced genetic material toward more advantageous living and growing conditions that then encourage the establishment of vegetative growth which is called Ecesis. In this state of expanding plant growth, pioneer or early seeding plant species pave the way toward the succession of more stable plants and trees. So, plants (including trees) that make a desperate attempt to quickly capture space, light, and nutrients are now in Competition with all other vegetative organisms that demand the same elements for life. This plant community then makes a significant change from the effects of competition and is called the Reaction stage in a forest ecosystem. This reaction to competition slowly but surely creates a calming symbiosis of existing species in a long path toward stabilization. The long-term and final development of a forest climax community is called Stabilization and creates a forest that lasts until the next inevitable disturbance or change in the climate. 100,000 Year Cycles Change Climax Tree Species A plausible theory of advancing and retreating ice suggests that the climax forest of today will not be the stable forests of the far future. So even the climax oaks and beeches of today may be transient on the geological timescale in the northern latitudes. In tropical latitudes, forests seem to withstand global cooling to the point where they may vastly expand and contract. It is thought that this changing of rainforests creates patches which encourages astonishingly diverse assemblages of the kind we see in the Amazon. Colin Tudge digs deeply into this theory and other fascinating tree facts in his book called The Tree: A Natural History of What Trees Are, How They Live, and Why They Matter.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Child Pornography Prevention Act Of 1996 - 914 Words
Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition (2002) took away many sections of the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996. The Act made it illegal to virtually possess or distribute child pornography. Congress passed the Protect Act in 2003 to advertise, solicit, or promote any material of minors having sex or performing sexual acts. Michael Williams was in a chat room attempting to obtain child porn. A secret service agent instant messaged with the man to bait him. Williams later wrote he had pictures of a four year old being raped. After receiving several pictures the agent got a warrant for William’s house. Williams was arrested under Section 2252 A of the Protect Act. Williams pleaded guilty but challenged the Acts constitutionality. An Eleventh Circuit Appeals Court reversed Williams conviction. The government appealed to the Supreme Court. 3. Questions of the Court Does the Protect Act violate the First Amendment? 4. Holding No. The vote was 7-2 in favor of the U.S 5. Opinions of the Court Justice Scalia wrote the opinion of the Court. Section 225 A (a) (3) (B) bans the distribution of child pornography. This case is to determine if the law violates the First Amendment or Fifth Amendment due process clause. The Court has long decided the inappropriate material is not protected by the First Amendment, Roth V. United States (1957). When explicit material has true value to society it has been held as free speech, Miller v. California (1973). The Court has considered childShow MoreRelatedReflections on the First Amendment Paper1627 Words  | 7 Pagesaffirmed the Ninth Circuits judgment against the plaintiff’s broader definition of pornography in enacting the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996. This broader definition, the court finds it in contravention with the First Amendment. The Ninth Circuit reasoned that the definition of banning any depiction of pornographic materials, including films that Congress adds on the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996 was overboard and as such violated the First Amendment. Supreme Court Justice AnthonyRead More The Morphing of Child Pornography Essay732 Words  | 3 PagesMorphing of Child Porn    At issue before the Circuit Courts has been the constitutionality of the 1996 Child Pornography Prevention Act (CPPA) in which Congress sought to modernize federal law by enhancing its ability to combat child pornography in the cyberspace era(Free Speech). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Passion for My Family Essay Example For Students
Passion for My Family Essay When I heard in class that I had to write a paper about what I had passion for, I thought of numerous things that I had a passion for. However, my teacher said I could only choose three things that I had passion for. It was quite hard at first to choose, but then I thought about the most important ones. From then, I knew what I was going to write about. The first thing that came into my mind was clear and it was to write about my family. I have passion for my family because they are the most important people in my life. If it wasn’t for them, I would not be here today writing this essay. My family inspires me every day by telling me to push myself toward my goals and to become independent for my future that I am headed for. They also are the ones who teach me how to learn from my mistakes and tell me what’s good for me and what’s bad. There are many ways I have passion for my family because they are the ones who are always beside me no matter what. I can trust and look up to my family, when ever I am in trouble or going through a rough time. Even though, it can be embarrassing, I still would have passion about them no matter what. Another thing I have passion is for my goals. I want all of my goals to come true no matter how impossible they can be. My goals are the part of me, which help me wake up every day and keep me going in life. One of my goals is to finish community college and go to a four year university. I want to get my degree at the university that I will transfer to and become a pharmacist. As of the goals in my life, I can keep moving forward and change myself each day to become a better person. I don’t know what the world or people would be like without having any goals to set in their lives for a better future. Last, but not the least the most important passion I have for is to have a good future. I always had a passion to know about my future, if it is going to be bad or good. I always want to have a good future for myself to show myself what I have become in life. The future is very important to me because I have a passion for it. I would do anything to have a good and successful future. I don’t want to be a person or end up like that person who lives on the street or sell drugs to feed their family. I want to become an independent person, so whatever happens to me in the future I can handle it without needing anybody’s help to survive. I think these are the most important things that I have passion for and things that I care for quite a lot. I don’t think anybody would not disagree, but of course each person has their own things that they are passionate about. These passions are probably being the obvious to anybody, but not for me because of these passions I keep moving forward in life.
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